Bikinis Beauty Advice Moments Fashions

Monday, December 8, 2014

  Bikinis Beauty Advice Moments Fashions

Try the Bikinis on at home. Buying mail order, providing returns/exchanges are free and fast, is a far more pleasurable way to bikini shop. The fitting advice can be much more accurate and you can search for your size, shape and colouring. Not to mention a carefully angled home mirror can do wonders for the confidence!

Benefits Of Fitness

Friday, December 5, 2014

 The Body Building Female: Muscles For Women Rock
Fitness, muscle tone and strength; these are the primary goals of the majority of women who are building strength with weights. While a few women have been made wary by false claims that if workouts cease, muscle turns into fat. This is physically untrue. Fat can not change into muscle, neither can muscle change into fat. If, by diet and exercise, you shed ten pounds of fat and gain five pounds of muscle, you may conclude just that you simply lost five pounds. This is easy to do, as separating the fat and muscle percentages is problematic using just a scale.

Thats Momment Rilex Before Sleep

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Time Before Sleep is Very Special

This is a time where you can reflect on what has happened in the day; and, if you are relaxed and at peace, you may notice thoughts coming into your head about what it is you would like to do tomorrow. If you have good visual powers of communication you may be able to watch your activity for the coming day unfolding in your mind's eye.

You may see people who are important in your life in your mind's eye as you go to sleep. These people may be your loved ones; or, people who have passed to Spirit - perhaps a long time ago - may come around you and work with you on a daily basis.

The best is just to be a silent witness to their presence and to observe the message they bring without trying to control or influence its outcome. These people have entered your space for a reason, so it is best just to silently witness the message they bring.

Putting your attention on them is enough to give them the energy to come forward. Be open to their presence and, silently with your awareness, ask for them to come closer. Be settled yet observant: look to the details and be aware of anything they bring with them.

This period before sleep is a good time to send messages telepathically to loved ones who may be separated from you at the moment. Distance is no barrier: just a gentle loving thought held within the mind and heart using your feelings and emotions will go a long way.

This system works just the same for people on the Earth Plane and for people who have passed over. The spiritual essence of the person is the same and is in reality immortal and part of the eternal continuum of Now.

The time before sleep is also a good time to send loving thoughts of healing and support to our friends and relatives who may benefit from this. Know that as you settle down at night - as your body becomes relaxed and you start to drift off into sleep - your awareness settles too; you can allow your awareness to expand in many directions and dimensions - to feel at one with the whole universe.

It is this feeling of wholeness and expanded vision that helps us to see our way around blockages - to see that we are part of a bigger system, which will send us messages and support if we are relaxed and open to receive them.

If you have any issues you would like to receive specific answers to, you can hold the question in your awareness as you drift off to sleep. Your subconscious mind will take over the question while you're asleep and work on it for you.
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